— Many believe WWE’s current roster-cutting phase, which has involved the release of Eric Escobar and some developmental talent, will continue as the company moves towards WrestleMania. The exact number of talent expected to be released is unclear.
— Edge’s return to WWE television is said to be fairly imminent, with the Royal Rumble (or the subsequent RAW) appearing to be a likely comeback date. Plans still call for Edge to work against Chris Jericho at WrestleMania.
Source: F4WOnline.com
I’m glad to hear that Eric is gone!
Edge vs Chris Jericho at wrestlemania would be even more exciting if something happens like the winner at wrestlemania will get a match with someone like world heavyweight champion unertaker
Lets get Christian out of the WWE Minor leagues (ECW) and have a story against Edge or something. Smackdown really could use Christian and Edge.
I agree with both good thing eric is gone he was so bad and Christian and edge need to come to raw and have a rivalry because raw can use a great 1
No, wwe do not need to put edge in a rivalry with christian, for starters edge is coming back a face(good for all you dumb children) and two faces is stupid, plus they wudnt turn edge bad straight away, and christian will never be bad again, hes been heel most of his career, also jericho vs edge fued wud blow a christian vs edge fued away!