Green Day [Frank Maddocks | WBR Press]
Green Day’s “Still Breathing” earns a second week atop the alternative radio add board.
The second “Revolution Radio” single was picked up by another 20 Mediabase-monitored stations this week.
The count gives “Still Breathing” the edge over Milky Chance’s new “Cocoon,” which received 17 adds.
Picked up by 9 stations, Alex Da Kid’s “Not Easy” ranks as third-most added. Silversun Pickups’ “Latchkey Kids” earns fourth with 8 pickups, while an add count of 7 slots Mondo Cozmo in fifth place.
Each added by 6 stations, Bishop Briggs’ “Wild Horses,” Rag’n’Bone Man’s “Human,” The 1975’s “Somebody Else,” and The xx’s “On Hold” follow in a tie for sixth-most added.
Miike Snow’s “The Heart Of Me” lands in tenth with 5 adds.