WWE, ECW Name Says Rihanna Copied Idea for New Song

Rihanna’s new “Russian Roulette” single has garnered significant attention in beginning the build for her upcoming album release.

But the latest buzz comes from an unlikely source–former WWE performer and ECW boss Paul Heyman.

According to Heyman, the edgy art used on the cover of Rihanna’s new single appears copied from the 1998 ECW “Extreme Music” album release.

“It’s pretty obvious this was copied from, or at least extremely inspired by the ECW album cover,” said Heyman in an interview with The UK Sun. “From the barbed wire and the right arm up in the air to the blood dripping off the logo.”

Added Heyman, “Hey, I don’t blame them. If you’re going to copy someone, copy from the best.”

Heyman’s “Heyman Hustle” website features the two images head-to-head here.

Brian Cantor

Brian Cantor is the editor-in-chief for Headline Planet. He has been a leading reporter in the music, movie, television and sporting spaces since 2002. Brian's reporting has been cited by major websites like BuzzFeed, Billboard, the New Yorker and The Fader -- and shared by celebrities like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj. Contact Brian at brian.cantor[at]headlineplanet.com.

Published by
Brian Cantor