"Pretty Girls," the high-profile new collaboration between Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea, unsurprisingly ranks as pop radio's most added song…
The red-hot collaboration between Skrillex, Diplo and Justin Bieber is now a Top 30 hit at pop radio. "Where Are…
After ranking as pop radio's most added song for three consecutive weeks, Wiz Khalifa's "See You Again (featuring Charlie Puth)"…
Skrillex & Diplo's "Where Are U Now (featuring Justin Bieber)" and Carly Rae Jepsen's "I Really Like You" reached the…
Three songs make inaugural Top 40 appearances on this week's Billboard Hot 100. Trey Songz' "Slow Motion," the highest-charting of…
For the third straight week, Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth's smash "See You Again" ranks as pop radio's most added…
Skrillex & Diplo's "Where Are Ü Now (featuring Justin Bieber)" surged twenty two places to a high of #42 on…
The collaboration between Skrillex, Diplo and Justin Bieber is now a Top 50 hit on the all-encompassing Billboard Hot 100.…
The hottest seller on iTunes received this week's warmest welcome at pop radio. Wiz Khalifa & Charlie Puth's "See You…
Perhaps the celebrity community needs to pay closer attention to Taylor Swift's hit single "Shake it Off." Wednesday afternoon, DJ-producer…
Pegged as an obvious hit, Sam Smith's "Stay With Me" lived up to expectations by ranking as the week's most-added…