TV News

VH1 Reveals America’s Next Top Model Contestants; Rita Ora-Hosted Season Premieres December 12

The season premiere of “America’s Next Top Model” is less than a month away.

Airing on VH1, the new season features Rita Ora as host and Ashley Graham, Drew Elliott, and Law Roach as judges. Tyra Banks will not be as regularly involved from an on-air standpoint, but she will still serve as executive producer and make surprise appearances.

The fourteen contestants will be vying for $100,000, a Rimmel London commercial feature, a Paper Magazine spread, and a one-year talent deal with VH1.

The first episode airs at 10PM ET/PT on December 12. In advance of the premiere, VH1 revealed the cast members:

Binta Dibba, 25 Seattle, WA Twitter: @babybinta | Instagram: @babybinta | Snapchat: @bintadibba #BintaANTMBinta Dibba, 25 Seattle, WA Twitter: @babybinta | Instagram: @babybinta | Snapchat: @bintadibba #BintaANTM
Binta Dibba, 25
Seattle, WA
Twitter: @babybinta | Instagram: @babybinta | Snapchat: @bintadibba
Cherish Waters, 25
Los Angeles, CA
Twitter: @cherishwaters | Instagram: @icherishwaters | Snapchat: @meowmix420
Cody Wells, 26
San Jose, CA
Twitter: @TashandCody | Instagram: @tashandcody | Snapchat: @TashandCody
CoryAnne Roberts, 19
Bali, Indonesia
Twitter: @CoryAnneRoberts | Instagram: @corylovesyou | Snapchat: @coryowns
Courtney Nelson, 25
San Francisco, CA
Twitter: @courtneynelso11 | Instagram: @courtneypaigenelson| Snapchat: @courtneyn2468
Giah Hardeman, 21
Bryan-College Station, TX
Twitter: @giah_hardeman | Instagram: @just_giah | Snapchat: @Gailayh
India Gants, 20
Seattle, WA
Twitter: @india_kate | Instagram: @indiak8 | Snapchat: @indyk8
Justine Biticon, 18
Los Angeles, CA
Twitter: @biticonjustine | Instagram: @justinemaebiticon | Snapchat: @justinebiticon
Krislian Rodriguez, 25
Los Angeles, CA
Twitter: @missKrislian | Instagram: @misskrislian | Snapchat: @misskrislian
Kyle McCoy, 23
Darien, CT
Twitter: @KyleAMcCoy | Instagram: @smile4kyle | Snapchat: @KyleAnnMcCoy
Marissa Hopkins, 18
Houston, TX
Twitter: @MarissaHopkins1 | Instagram: @marissa_hopkins | Snapchat: @marissahopkinsx
Paige Mobley, 22
Birmingham, MI
Twitter: @PaigeMobley | Instagram: @paigemobley | Snapchat: @PaigeMobley
Tash Wells, 26
San Jose, CA
Twitter: @TashandCody | Instagram: @tashandcody | Snapchat: @TashandCody
Tatiana Price, 21
Brooklyn, NY
Twitter: @hakunama_tat | Instagram: @tatianaelizabethh | Snapchat: @hakunama.tat
Brian Cantor

Brian Cantor is the editor-in-chief for Headline Planet. He has been a leading reporter in the music, movie, television and sporting spaces since 2002. Brian's reporting has been cited by major websites like BuzzFeed, Billboard, the New Yorker and The Fader -- and shared by celebrities like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj. Contact Brian at brian.cantor[at]

Published by
Brian Cantor