It is official: on April 19, 2014, “Black is Back.”
Rich with neither footage nor storyline intelligence, the first “Orphan Black” season two teaser debut this weekend under the notion that all “Orphan Black” news is good news.
Offering little more than a walking shot of star Tatiana Maslany (as Sarah) and an audio reminder of last season’s lingering questions, the teaser, released by Space network, excitedly trumpets the show’s return on April 19, 2014.
While the trailer was released by Space, BBC America will be broadcasting the season premiere on the same night.
Enjoyed by critics and a passionate audience from the get-go, “Orphan Black” become something of a cult phenomenon this summer when word of Maslany’s tour de force performance extended across the Internet. Her glaring omission from the Primetime Emmy nominations list, which was considered the biggest snub of the year, brought further exposure to the series about a woman who learns she is one of many clones.